Dirk Paesmans en Joan Heemskerk collaborate as Jodi since 1995. They were interviewed at the 'secret' conference on net.art, organised by Heath Bunting, in the Backspace gallery, London, in January 1997.
Q: You've tried to auction some web pages at this conference. How was that, what did you think of the response from the audience?
D: It was allright. One was sold to Kathy Rae Huffman, who is a net.art promoter from the States who lives in Vienna.
She is in this alternative net.stuff completely. She bought one screen for ten pounds, so, that one will go to the Huffman-collection.
Q: You weren't exactly a salesman that gave obvious cues on when something was for sale. It was a bit unclear to people when exactly they could jump onto an offer.
D: It wasn't meant to start a large sale there in fact. What is happening now in art and net.art is people talk about what is alternative and what is normal, mainstream. We see our work in a material way. It could simply be sold. There is a lot of nonsense talk around art. There should be no shame when you make something that is good; be it on a computer screen, videotape, an etching, whatever, to sell it.
J: There is this discussion in the net.art scene that 'it could never come into to normal art circuit because it would not be possible to sell it, probably because of the digital and immaterial side of the Net.
Q: That is not the only discussion of course; there is also the fact that some do not want to be institutionalized. You are not afraid of that?
J: Depends on the institution.
Q: Do you think you will have a choice? Do you think you can manipulate the outcome in this?
D: In itself it would be good when a gallery picks us up and supports us in the kind of work we do. Ideally it would be fantastic for us. One should not run after them of course. There are all kinds of commercial art venues on the net. One of the central places now is New York, the äda ‘web, where more than ten people work. They have Jenny Holzer and Lawrence Weiner as big names in their websites with some small works, but next to this they start this promotion of young web.artists. We too are going to do a project there soon. It is all without obligations and there are no deals, nothing is sold really. That is why it is funny for us now to try to sell something ourselves. The work we put on äda ‘web we give them for free. We are not in the position to ask for much at this moment. Except maybe sell a screen for ten pounds.
Q: You are not thinking about more sensitive matters, like for instance what to do when a gallery picks up the net.art group and some of the artists are being hyped up to become famous and others disappear into nothingness? These kind of things happen all the time through art history. Do you not have any thoughts about this or do you not care? This is the image you give me a bit now. You said in your presentation that your web pages are no content pages. Are you no content too when it comes to these kind of questions? Are you not at all busy with more political questions maybe?
J: The work we make is not politically oriented, except that it stands in the net like a brick. The relationship with the net and other works on the net is a strong one. It is not 'about' something political or a story.
D: We use certain elements, like a virus, whether a virus is present, or whether things go wrong with somebody's 'cache', somebody's personal computer. A lot of these elements are collages of things that are found on the net. The natural environment of us, of Jodi, is the net and you can find a certain condensed form of the net in Jodi. It is comparable to the kind of work I used to make for Zap-TV. This was a very one-dimensional way of recycling TV into a new channel. So in this whole rubbish, Zap-TV I mean, you could find a condensed form of television. With Jodi it is not that simple. There are also projects in it, which are not so much downloaded from the net as gifs or jpegs, but certain techniques are used that are the order for the day on the net. They are 'hot' so to say. These are technical matters, like how for instance instead of using words as links, like in hypertext, you can use certain kinds of buttons. We have a big problem with hypertext. To us hypertext is of no use at all. There are hardly any words in our website, except for the hot list. It’s a battle really. As hypertext is useless to us, we have to find other ways to make people navigate, or have the navigation happen as if by itself. Solutions for this can be things that are new in a Netscape version, or buttons that by clicking there you DO make a link. So you don't have to invent a letter A, B, C or whatever, but you simply use what's in the computer or Netscape orThis is Joan's territory a bit, I must say. Joan does a lot of investigating in how to use Java, new techniques. We have some separate projects. There is a bit of Zap-TV, a piece of Dirk project in a Beta-lab part of Jodi. In this Beta-lab there are also Joan Heemskerk projects. A series of photographs of pigeons with buttons over it: that’s just Joan’s. So we don't enter into that big battle with the net, even though we see it is there, because we get an enormous amount of mail from people that complain, that send us large question marks. They say: what is this crap?
Q: Really? Why is this, because there is no text with it?
J: This is because we transverse the way to make webpages. People think: ‘A virus gets into my computer..’ or: ‘What’s happening to my screen!’. This is because it cannot be grasped. You get these short, direct reactions from panicking people.
Q: That is beautiful, a compliment, it means you created something completely new, doesn't it?
J: I don't know whether it is completely new, because it always contains elements that have been used before. It is collage. It is a new collage naturally.
D: The carrier, the Netscape carrier has of course never been used before. It is starting to be used now. The technique to create confusion and to mix things up has been used often before, but with this specific medium we made an early start. A reason for this is that we left the Netherlands on our own for San Jose, California. Silicon Valley. We went there to see how all this Apple stuff and all software and applications, Photoshop, Macromind, Netscape 'lives' there. What kind of people make this. This is very interesting to us. In some way we feel very involved, it is a bit of a personal matter to turn Netscape inside out for instance. I have a picture in my mind of the people that make it. And not just how they make it, but also of how they view it themselves within the States and Canada. How they see their Internet. 'Their' Internet, you can say that for sure.
Q: Your work is very radical, that we can conclude from the reactions you get. You say it has no content. It is only form, when you judge it on appearance only. It passes on this radical feeling though and you just said: We want to see who makes it, it is an American net, we overturn it, we turn Netscape inside out. Aren't you making choices to create your own space, to get things in your own hands again? This is quite unusual in the net, isn't it. People create something small at home, according to certain rules and it quite resembles each other. Your work is innovative.
D: One thing we have not done from the beginning is base our work on lay out. The page. We are dealing with screens. What we can learn from of how to organize a screen as TV, computer games and other software. Not from lay out, not from a way of creating an order that puts this fat title and then a chapter, another gif and two gifs next to that, etcetera. A magazine on the net. We can do nothing with this. There are choices imbedded in software, that are thought about on mailing lists of designers in California, like which features should be put in Netscape, how can you make tables. They think it is important to be able to put two columns of text next to each other and stuff like that. Sometimes things slip in like in Netscape 2.0 (for the specialists). There you could have this background that would change all the time, background 1, 2, 3 etc. You could make great movies with that. You could let it run ten times in a row. They took this out in Netscape 3.0. It was used a lot on the net. The first part of our Binhex was based quite heavily on it, we used it a lot. They thought it was a bug. I can't see the bug here, it was just a free animation effect that was in there. It was threatening the stability of a certain type of lay out, it was disturbed too easily. So they took it out. We find other things to play with then. There are some basics of html that will never change, with which you can still avoid this classic approach.
Q: I heard there is a battle between designers that used to do the lay out of magazines and artists about these matters. How software develops, but also about what is correct and what not.
D: Every now and then there is a big panic about it. Like with these new plug-ins, where you are told: you cannot watch this if you don't have this or that plug-in. We are quite frugal with this.
Q: Of course not the whole world uses the same software or is even able to obtain it. Large parts of the world can only receive text. They have only very simple software. Do you think about this?
D: In mosaic you will still see a version of our site, but I don't think there is any reason to say: Lets make a text-based version of this. We can’t possibly make a text-based version of ‘Who is afraid of red yellow and blue’. An ASCII version or so. We are no development-aid workers.
Q: I do want to get back to this question what you will do when the commerce, the art world gets a grip on the net.artists and picks out some of them. It looks like a nice group now, which has a pleasant gathering here...
J: That group has already split itself up. There are groups in New York, groups in Europe. There are very small groups of two or three people in certain cities that work together. That division is allready here. Not all net.artists are mixing, seeing eachother regularly. We are also seperate from this group here in the sense that a lot of these people we have never seen before or only once.
Q: So you are not concerned with matters like this?
J: Yes I am. But as I said, I see a kind of sectarianism already on the net. Not just with net.art, but also in other groups. The viewers have their own little circuits in which they watch, their hotlists. For me personally I think every group happens naturally, but the idea behind it is what counts. Why does the person that looks at something on the net choose that certain part of the net, and maybe has visit one or two sites made by people present at this net.art conf? The viewer makes the choice, there is always this filter. It is artificial to keep people in a certain group, because in reality on the net this is not one group. Its different sites.
D: I think it is good we are not in an art.net context. We are not the kind of people that adjust. We don't want to be in a new corner. You will not find this in our site either. I will not say it is art. That is not what matters. When we started it was of no use to drag those kind of things with us. That is what we did NOT want. Of course a certain form of knowledge and what we are occupied with we put forward through Netscape, but we do not want to repeat what we know too well. It’s nice to do.