ASCII Art Ensemble was a collaboration of Vuk Cosic, Walter van der Cruijsen and Luka Frelih. I interviewed them during the World Wide Video Festival, a video art event in Amsterdam. ASCII Art Ensemble presented an ASCII version of Deep Throat, the famous adult movie from the seventies.
(Dutch language interview) Overgaag talks about the state of the Internet and the role of email in Congo, Africa at the end of the nineties. This interview was made for the Dutch radio show Het Paradijs, a collective effort of Amsterdam free radio stations on VPRO radio edited by Bart Schut.
Artist and activist Adam Hyde talks about the B92 Helpdesk where he volunteered. This was an initiative from the late Dutch hacker and internet pioneer Felipe Rodriguez to support the independent Serbian radiostation B92 when it was shut down by the Serbian authorities during the war in former Yugoslavia. When B92 was shut down a continuous livestream link was established between the studio in Belgrade and Amsterdam. From Amsterdam it was resent to radiostations near the Serbian border.
Australian artist and activist Adam Hyde talks about the art collective Radioqualia he founded and ran together with New Zealand artist and curator Honor Harger. Radioqualia was an early online radio art project.